Maria Roy started the topic
Global Cooperation and Commitment in the forum Debate 2. Supporters in the group Debate 2. Supporters
Supporters may emphasize the importance of global cooperation and commitment in addressing climate change. They could argue that the collective efforts of governments, businesses, and civil society around the world demonstrate a growing recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis and a willingness to take action. They might point to…Read More
Maria Roy started the topic
Mitigation of Worst Effects in the forum Debate 2. Supporters in the group Debate 2. Supporters
Supporters might assert that while climate change remains a pressing issue, current global actions have been effective in mitigating some of its worst effects. They could highlight initiatives aimed at adaptation and resilience-building in vulnerable communities, as well as investments in climate-related research and technology development, as…Read More
Maria Roy started the topic
Progress towards International Targets in the forum Debate 2. Supporters in the group Debate 2. Supporters
Supporters may argue that current global actions have led to significant progress towards achieving international climate targets, such as those set out in the Paris Agreement. They could point to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, increased adoption of renewable energy sources, and improved energy efficiency as evidence of the effectiveness…Read More
Maria Roy joined the group
Debate 2. Supporters
Maria Roy joined the group
Debate 1. Critics
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