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Francisco EstevesOffline

    • Profile picture of Francisco Esteves

      Francisco Esteves posted in the group Students

      1 day, 15 hours ago

      When I first participated in a classroom debate, I was really nervous. Speaking in front of my classmates was intimidating, but I quickly realized how much I was learning. The experience helped me build confidence and improve my logical argumentation skills.

      I learned that having solid research is crucial. I can’t just share my opinions; I need to back them up with facts and data. This has taught me to approach topics thoughtfully and to consider different angles.

      Moreover, I’ve discovered the value of listening. In debates, I make a conscious effort to pay attention to what the opposing side is saying. This helps me respond more effectively and strengthens my arguments.

      Discussing controversial topics has also opened my eyes to the many sides of an issue. I now understand that there’s often more to a debate than just right and wrong. This perspective is important, especially in today’s polarized world, where understanding different viewpoints is essential.

      Debate methodology has greatly impacted my education, enhancing my communication and critical thinking skills while providing a platform for exploring diverse perspectives. My experiences in debate have prepared me to be a more informed and engaged citizen, capable of navigating complex discussions.

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      • I really enjoyed reading about your debate experience! It’s great to see how much you’ve grown in confidence and critical thinking skills. I completely agree that preparing for a debate requires solid research. Having data to back up your arguments not only strengthens your position but also helps you engage more effectively with the opposing side.

        I also resonate with your point about the importance of listening. Often, we focus so much on our own arguments that we forget to consider what others are saying. By actively listening, you not only improve your rebuttals but also demonstrate respect for differing viewpoints. This is essential, especially when discussing complex issues.

        Your insight into the complexities of controversial topics is particularly important. It’s easy to fall into black-and-white thinking, but debates often reveal the nuances that exist. This kind of understanding is vital in today’s society, where many issues are multifaceted and require careful consideration.

        Keep up the great work! Your experiences in debate will undoubtedly serve you well in the future, both academically and in everyday life. I hope you continue to embrace these opportunities for growth and learning.

        • I found your experience in debating really inspiring! It’s interesting to hear how it has changed your perspective on discussing controversial topics. I remember my first debate; I was terrified too! I think it’s amazing how debates force us out of our comfort zones and push us to articulate our thoughts clearly.

          You mentioned the importance of research, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s not just about having opinions; it’s about backing them up with facts. I’ve learned that when I have solid evidence, I feel more confident speaking up in debates. It’s like having a safety net that allows me to present my arguments assertively.

          Listening actively is another crucial skill we gain from debates. I’ve noticed that when I really pay attention to the opposing side, it helps me understand their arguments better. It also allows me to think on my feet and respond more effectively, which can turn the tide in a debate.

          Your point about the complexity of issues is so true! Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in our own beliefs and forget that there are valid points on the other side. Engaging in debates has taught me to appreciate different perspectives, which is something we all need to do more often.

          Overall, I think debates are a fantastic way to develop important life skills. They not only enhance our ability to communicate but also encourage us to think critically and engage with others respectfully. I’m excited to see how you continue to grow in this area, and I hope we both keep challenging ourselves in future debates!



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